Python Mastery - General: Introduction to PyCharm


We’ll quickly setup and test the PyCharm integrated development environment (IDE) made by JetBrains. PyCharm is the most popular code editor for Python.

Prerequisite: Installing Python

To use PyCharm, you need to have Python installed. If you haven’t installed Python yet you can find info on the official Getting Started page.

This post does not explain details about installing software on different types of opperating systems.

Install PyCharm

  1. Head over to the PyCharm page and click download.
  2. Select the operating system you’d like to install PyCharm on.
  3. Two editions are available for download.
    • Professional which is commercial
    • Community which is free and open source.
  4. Download and install the Community edition on your computer.

Basic usage

Once you launch the IDE, accept any default configurations. You should be presented with an option to create or open a project.

Choose New Project
Specify a output path and project name. e.g. C:\Hello-World and create.

You will see some basic files and folders created automatically. Below your Hello-World folder add a new Python file. e.g.

Now add some sample code to

print("Hello World")

In PyCharm you will see a green play button. This is the Run button and it allows us to execute our Python code.
After you click this we should see the Hello World message being output in the window (Terminal Window) below.


Mosh does great job at taking you through this process:
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